Ján Magyar, PhD
assistant professor
Contact Details
Address: Nemcovej 3, 042 00 Košice; door number – 21
Phone number: +421 55 602 5165
E-mail: jan.magyar@tuke.sk
Personal web page: janmagyar.com
Office hours: from 9:00 to 10:30 am on Wednesday
Research interests
I am currently focusing on adaptive robot behavior and personalization in human-robot interaction. In my research I incorporate cloud computing in social robotics to alleviate the workload on robots’ processors. In my doctoral thesis, I will work on using artificial intelligence and robot teachers to personalize and optimize learning experience.
- Fall term
- Heuristic Optimization Processes
- Programming in C#
- Spring term
- Programming in Python
- Machine Learning II
- APVV-15-0731 – Cloud Based Human Robot Interaction